We promote healthy lifestyles with 5 Simple Steps to Physical and Mental HealthHealth & Fitness, Wellness & Sporting Programmes & Activities:

Over the years the CDC have introduced and continue to encourage health, fitness and wellness programmes and activities in the community, along with promoting healthy lifestyles as key to sustained development and success.

The inclusion of outdoor sporting activities, field games (football, basketball, Netball, etc.) and other recreational and fitness programmes contribute to the development of healthy lifestyles for many in the community.

We organize outings to exhibitions to bring together local and international health and wellness leaders, healthy lifestyle solution providers, health services providers and health food retailers for the benefit of the community and national population in an interactive way.

It is a fantastic blend of educational information with regional and international exhibitors along with live demos, interactive sessions, competitions and giveaways.  We see this as a step in the right direction to a healthier lifestyle and reducing childhood obesity and obesity on a whole.

CAP Sports Administration

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